
Take a look at the events happening at Casa de Alegria:

Half Day Retreat

Setting Healthy Routines

Do you struggle with setting and maintaining healthy routines for yourself? 

During this retreat I will be offering new ideas and perspectives to reconnect you to the innate intelligence of your body and mind, leading you to Self Mastery.

  • Invest in you: €75 (discounted to €60 for early booking before 4 Feb & Mar

  • Duration: 4 hours

  • Date: Sunday 23 March 2025

  • Time: 13:00-17:00

  • Location: Casa de Alegria, Monte Pedreguer and On-Line options

  • Class size: 4 people

  • Difficulty: All levels

Yoga Masterclass

Bi-Weekly on Sundays

These Masterclasses will be an in depth look at all things Yoga.  From posture clinics where we deep dive into the poses to learn the key elements, to breathwork, chakra work, mantras, sound, philosophy, guided visualisations, Yoga Nidra and group discussions on the fundamentals of Yoga.

  • Invest in you: €30

  • Duration: 2 hours

  • Date: Bi-weekly on Sundays, starting Sunday 16 February 2024

  • Time: 10:00-12:00

  • Location: Casa de Alegria, Monte Pedreguer and On-Line options

  • Class size: 4 people

  • Difficulty: All levels with at least a basic understanding of Yoga and Yogis who are looking to explore the deeper teachings of Yoga.  If you are a beginner, I offer beginners courses.

”From Doing Yoga to Being Yoga to Living Yoga”

Beginners Yoga Course

Are you suffering with health issues like aches, pains, feeling tired, fed up, stressed, anxious or generally feeling out of balance?  I know from personal experience how exhausting this can be.

Imagine if I shared something with you that could change all that?

Have you ever wondered what Yoga is all about? Perhaps you have considered attending a class but did not want to feel out of place as a beginner in an all-levels class? If this sounds like you, then the 6-week beginners’ Yoga course is the perfect way to ease yourself into regular Yoga practice.

There is a strong misconception that Yoga is just a form of exercise with super skinny people bending themselves into ridiculously flexible shapes.  In reality, there is much more to Yoga than that.  Allow me to show you that exercise is just one element of Yoga, and not always the element that is needed the most. 

During our time together, we will learn about the importance of breath, mindfulness, the origins of Yoga, why we practice, and how it can be relevant and vital to our wellbeing.  Our physical practice will focus on learning slow functional, reflective movement to release tension and aid relaxation. 

You do not need to have current exercise practice, in fact, this course is perfect for those easing themselves back into movement after time out, injury, illness or emotional difficulties.  Allow me to guide you back to a place of health and wellbeing.

  • Location: Casa de Alegria Retreat, Monte Pedreguer or On-line

  • Date & Time: TBC - Starting soon - Register your interest

  • Investment: €150

  • Duration: Each class is 1.5 hours over 6 consecutive weeks (9 hours total)

  • Class size: 4 people for lots of personal attention

  • Support: There are plenty of opportunities to ask questions during the sessions with on-going support and mentoring options available afterwards.

Half Day Retreat

Future Dates

Watch this space for more Half-Day Retreats:

  • Duration: 4 hours

  • Dates: Sunday 27 April 2025, Sunday 25 May 2025 & Sunday 22 June 2025

  • Time: 13:00-17:00

  • Location: Casa de Alegria, Monte Pedreguer and On-Line options

  • Class size: 4 people

  • Difficulty: All levels

We Look Forward To Welcoming You To Our Community